Malone Enterprise Apps

Alexander The Great 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: Jacob Abbott 1803-1879Alexander the Great was one of the most successful militarycommanders in history, and was undefeated in battle. By the time ofhis death, he had conquered most of the world known to the ancientGreeks.Alexander the Great is one of many biographies aimed at youngpeople written by Jacob Abbott and his brother. The biographies arewritten in such a way that makes them appealing and easilyaccessible to everyone.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Cleopatra 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: Jacob AbbottA biography of the famous Cleopatra of Egypt, written inamanner, equally interesting to children and to adults.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivoxrecordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free ofcharge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I amnot chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "conveniencefee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy tonavigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!
The Red Badge Of Courage 1.0
Malone Enterprise
The Red Badge of Courage is a short novelpublished in 1895 and based vaguely on the battle ofChancellorsville of the American Civil War. Unlike other works onthe subject, Crane’s novel does not concentrate on the big pictureor the glory of war but on the psychology of one of its soldiers.Audio Book from All Librivox recordings are in thePublic Domain and are available free of charge. I have assembledthis Literature Classic in an easy to navigate app for your(children's) listening pleasure free of charge - the ads displayedhelp support my effort, so please visit the advertisers.
The Mysterious Stranger 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer optionBy: Mark Twain 1835-1910Here’s a Mark Twain story that’s very unlike those he becamefamous for, but when I read it back in Catholic high school, itleft a deep impression. It concerns the deeply religious residentsof a small village in Austria during the late sixteenth century,and what happened to several of them when a strange man began tovisit their insulated homeland. There’s little of Twain’s humorhere; this is a horror story, a parable. . . and a warningStreaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Classic Literature Vol 1 1.0
**FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITHFRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.Classic Literature Vol 1 consists of Homer's Great Works, TheOdyssey and The Iliad.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour (children's) listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.
Romeo and Juliet 1.0
++++ REQUIRED READING ++++**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.By: William Shakespeare 1564-1616Romeo and Juliet is an early tragedy by William Shakespeareabout two teenage “star-cross’d lovers” whose “untimely deaths”ultimately unite their feuding households. The play has been highlypraised by literary critics for its language and dramatic effect.It was among Shakespeare’s most popular plays during his lifetimeand, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performedplays. Its influence is still seen today, with the two maincharacters being widely represented as archetypal young lovers.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
The Wisdom of Father Brown 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: G. K. Chesterton 1874-1936This is the second of five books of short stories about G. K.Chesterton’s fictional detective, first published in 1914. FatherBrown is a short, nondescript Catholic Priest with shapelessclothes and a large umbrella who has an uncanny insight into humanevil. His methods, unlike those of his near contemporary SherlockHolmes, although based on observation of details often unnoticed byothers, tended to be intuitive rather than deductive. Althoughclearly devout, he always emphasizes rationality: despite hisreligiousness and his belief in God and miracles, he manages to seethe perfectly ordinary, natural explanation of the problem. He is adevout, educated and “civilized” clergyman, who is totally familiarwith contemporary and secular thought and behavior. His characterwas thought to be based on Father John O’Connor (1870 – 1952), aparish priest in Bradford, Yorkshire.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Homeowner's Friend 1.0
Malone Enterprise
Homeowner's Friend is THE resource to findProfessional, Trusted LOCAL Repair Services - As well as EmergencyFood suppliers, Green Merchants, Security Specialists/Products,Home Theater Installers, Vacuums, Paper Delivery, Debt Management,Property Rental Specialists, Wildlife Protection, Thomas KinkadeCollectibles....and much more!
The Divine Comedy - All 3 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT OFALL 3 CANTICAS!****CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: Dante Alighieri 1265-1321The Divine Comedy (Italian: Commedia, later christened “Divina”by Giovanni Boccaccio), written by Dante Alighieri between 1308 andhis death in 1321, is widely considered the central epic poem ofItalian literature, the last great work of literature of the MiddleAges and the first great work of the Renaissance. A culmination ofthe medieval world-view of the afterlife, it establishes the Tuscandialect in which it is written as the Italian standard, and is seenas one of the greatest works of world literature.The Divine Comedy is composed of three canticas (or “cantiche”) —Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise) —composed each of 33 cantos (or “canti”). The very first cantoserves as an introduction to the poem and is generally notconsidered to be part of the first cantica, bringing the totalnumber of cantos to 100.The poet tells in the first person his travel through the threerealms of the dead, lasting during the Easter Triduum in the springof 1300.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Blackfeet Indian Stories 1.0
Malone Enterprise
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT****CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP****FREE - SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.By: George B. GrinnellThe Blackfeet were hunters, travelling from place to place onfoot. They used implements of stone, wood, or bone, wore clothingmade of skins, and lived in tents covered by hides. Dogs, theironly tame animals, were used as beasts of burden to carry smallpacks and drag light loads.The stories here told come down to us from very ancient times.Grandfathers have told them to their grandchildren, and these againto their grandchildren, and so from mouth to mouth, through manygenerations, they have reached our time.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
The Man Who Would Be King 1.0
Malone Enterprise
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: Rudyard Kipling 1865-1936The Man Who Would Be King tells the story of two Britishadventurers in British India who become kings of Kafiristan, aremote part of Afghanistan. It was inspired by the exploits ofJames Brooke, an Englishman who became the “white Raja” of Sarawakin Borneo, and by the travels of American adventurer Josiah Harlan,who claimed the title Prince of Ghor.The story was first published in The Phantom Rickshaw and otherTales (Volume Five of the Indian Railway Library, published by A HWheeler & Co of Allahabad in 1888). It also appeared in WeeWillie Winkie and Other Stories in 1895, and in numerous latereditions of that collection. It is the basis for John Huston’s 1975film of the same name, starring Sean Connery and Michael Caine asthe “kings”, and Christopher Plummer as Kipling.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Hamlet 1.0
+++ REQUIRED READING +++**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.By: William ShakespeareHamlet is commonly regarded as one of the greatest plays everwritten. Drawing on Danish chronicles and the Elizabethan vogue forrevenge tragedy, Shakespeare created a play that is at once aphilosophic treatise, a family drama, and a supernatural thriller.In the wake of his father’s death, Prince Hamlet finds that hisUncle Claudius has swiftly taken the throne and married his mother,Queen Gertrude. The ghost of the dead king then appears and chargesClaudius with ‘murder most foul.’ Hamlet is called to revenge hisfather’s death: but will he be able to act before it is toolate?Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Othello 1.0
Malone Enterprise
***CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATEAPP***By: William Shakespeare 1564-1616Othello is the story of a cross-cultural romance between thetitle character, a noble moor who is a general in the Venetianarmy, and Desdemona, a beautiful and virtuous Venetian lady. Thenewly-married couple fall prey to the machinations of Iago,Othello's jealous ensign, who plots to destroy their union.Audio Book from All Librivox recordings are in thePublic Domain and are available free of charge.I have assembled this Literature Classic in an easy to navigateapp for your listening and reading pleasure free of charge - theads displayed help support my effort, so please visit theadvertisers.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Utopia 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: Sir Thomas More 1478-1535This book is all about the fictional country called Utopia. Itis a country with an ‘ideal’ form of communism, in which everythingreally does belong to everybody, everyone does the work they wantto, and everyone is alright with that. This country uses gold forchamber pots and prison chains, pearls and diamonds for children’splaythings, and requires that a man and a woman see each otherexactly as they are, naked, before getting married. This book gavethe word ‘utopia’ the meaning of a perfect society, while the Greekword actually means ‘no place’. Enjoy listening to this story abouta country that really is too good to be true.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
48 Poems of Edgar Allan Poe 1.0
***CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATEAPP*****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.By: Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849) is widely famed as one of thegreatest writers of all time. He is best known for his works ofhorror, such as “The Tell Tale Heart.” However, and this is lessknown, Poe also wrote many love poems. In this collection offorty-eight poems by Edgar Allan Poe we will go through a widevariety of themes, from horror and raw creepiness in “The Raven” topure love in “A Valentine” to depression in “Alone.” Throughout allof his poems Poe kept a very strong meter and rhyme scheme. This ismost obvious in “The Bells.” (Summary by Shurtagal)Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordings arein the Public Domain and are available free of charge. The smallfee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not charging forthe books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Bushido: The Soul of Japan 1.0
Malone Enterprise
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****FREE - SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: Inazo Nitobe 1862-1933Bushido: The Soul of Japan written by Inazo Nitobe was one ofthe first books on samurai ethics that was originally written inEnglish for a Western audience, and has been subsequentlytranslated into many other languages (also Japanese). Nitobe foundin Bushido, the Way of the Warrior, the sources of the virtues mostadmired by his people: rectitude, courage, benevolence, politeness,sincerity, honor, loyalty and self-control, and he uses his deepknowledge of Western culture to draw comparisons with MedievalChivalry, Philosophy, and Christianity.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Black Beauty 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: Anna SewellBlack Beauty is a fictional autobiographical memoir told by ahorse, who recounts many tales, both of cruelty and kindness. Thetitle page of the first edition states that it was “Translated fromthe Original Equine by Anna Sewell.” It was composed in the lastyears of her life, during which she was confined to her house as aninvalid. After its publication in 1877, Sewell lived just longenough to see her first and only novel become an immediatebestseller, as well as it encouraging the better treatment of manycruelly-treated animals.Although initially intended for people who work with horses, itsoon became a children’s classic. While outwardly teaching animalwelfare, it also contains allegorical lessons about how to treatpeople with kindness, sympathy and respect. The story is narratedin the first person and each short chapter relates an incident inBlack Beauty’s life, with Sewell’s detailed observations andextensive descriptions of horse behaviour lending the novel a gooddeal of verisimilitude.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
The Adventures of Reddy Fox 1.0
Malone Enterprise
The Adventures of Reddy Fox is another in theseries of children’s stories by conservationist Thornton W.Burgess. In this story, Reddy and Granny Fox must outsmart FarmerBrown’s Boy who is out to get Reddy for stealing his pet chicken.Along the way, Reddy encounters many of the citizens of the GreenMeadows and the Green Forest and with him we learn little lessonsabout life such as: the perils of being a show off; the importanceof using all of one’s senses; that it is a fine thing to showsympathy and kindness to others – even our enemies; and that thevalue of a grandmother’s wisdom is inestimable.We also learn that after you’ve stolen a boy’s pet chicken andhe is coming your way with a gun, a shovel and a hound dog, it maybe time to beat a hasty retreat.(Summary by John Lieder)Audio Book from All Librivox recordings are in thePublic Domain and are available free of charge. I have assembledthis Literature Classic in an easy to navigate app for yourlistening and reading pleasure free of charge - the ads displayedhelp support my effort, so please visit the advertisers.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Sophocle's Theban Plays 1.0
++++ REQUIRED READING ++++**FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.ALL 3 Sophocles's Theban plays in an easy to navigate app + FULLTEXT for all plays!Oedipus The KingOedipus at ColonusAntigone***CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP***Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Audio | Text Call Of The Wild 1.0
Malone Enterprise
**THIS APP ALSO INCLUDES THE FULL TEXT!**I have assembled this Literature Classic in an easy to navigateapp for your listening pleasure free of charge -the ads displayed help support my effort, so please visit theadvertisers.By: Jack London 1876-1916Buck is living a happy life in California until he is sold to pay agambling debt. Taken to the Klondike to become a sled dog, Buckmust toughen up and learn the harsher rules of survival in theNorth. One of the first of these is how to deal with beingharnessed in the same team as a dog that wants to kill him.Large, strong and smart, Buck toughens to his new life. But eventhe toughest dog can be worn down by constant work, and after 3,000miles of pulling sleds, Buck nears the end of his rope.Cast away as no longer useful, Buck is acquired by greenhornswhose inexperience nearly kills him, but after being saved by JohnThornton, he at last finds a man he can love.Then on a remote gold-hunting expedition, Buck hears a callemanating from the woods and speaking to the wild heart of hisdistant ancestors. The lure of it almost balances the great love hebears for Thornton, but events take him away from his old life...and into legend.Please be aware this book contains graphic descriptions of violenceand animal cruelty.Audio Book from All Librivox recordings are in thePublic Domain and are available free of charge.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Dialogues Concerning Religion 1.0
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: David Hume 1711-1776In Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, philosopher David Humeexamines whether belief in God can be rational. The work takes theform of a debate between three characters: Cleanthes, who arguesthat the existence and nature of God can be empirically verified;Demea, who argues that God is completely beyond human knowledge;and Philo, a philosophical skeptic widely thought to representHume’s own beliefs.Much of the debate centers around Cleanthes’ presentation of theanalogical argument from design. According to this argument, thecomplexity and beauty of the universe can only be explained byinferring an intelligent designer, in the same way that one wouldinfer a designer if one came across an intricately complicatedmachine. Philo presents several objections to this argument, withrejoinders by Cleanthes and occasional interjections by Demea.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
The Phantom of The Opera 1.0
**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATEAPP****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.Christine Daae was brought up in the Paris Opera house. Hermusician father suddenly dies, telling her he will send her anangel of music to look after her. She grows up and discovers thatshe is hearing a voice, telling her and teaching her to sing. Shebelieves he is the angel of music but he is known in the OperaHouse simply as The Phantom. Although she is fascinated and drawntowards the phantom, she falls in love with her childhoodsweetheart, The Vicomte de Chagny - or Raoul - but the Phantomwon't take this lightly... (Summary by Ralph Snelson)Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Audio| Text The Scarlet Letter 1.0
+++++ REQUIRED READING +++++***CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP*****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.By: Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804-1864The story begins in seventeenth-century Salem, Massachusetts,then a Puritan settlement. A young woman, Hester Prynne, is ledfrom the town prison with her infant daughter, Pearl, in her armsand the scarlet letter “A” on her breast. The scarlet letter “A”represents the act of adultery that she has committed; it is to bea symbol of her sin for all to see. She will not reveal her lover’sidentity, however, and the scarlet letter, along with her publicshaming, is her punishment for her sin and her secrecy.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Audio | Text Walden 1.0
Malone Enterprise
**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATEAPP**By: Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862Walden by Henry David Thoreau is one of the best-knownnon-fiction books written by an American. Published in 1854, itdetails Thoreau’s life for two years, two months, and two daysaround the shores of Walden Pond. Walden is neither a novel nor atrue autobiography, but a social critique of the Western World,with each chapter heralding some aspect of humanity that needed tobe either renounced or praised. Along with his critique of thecivilized world, Thoreau examines other issues afflicting man insociety, ranging from economy and reading to solitude and higherlaws. He also takes time to talk about the experience at WaldenPond itself, commenting on the animals and the way people treatedhim for living there, using those experiences to bring out hisphilosophical positions. This extended commentary on nature hasoften been interpreted as a strong statement to the naturalreligion that transcendentalists like Thoreau and Emerson werepreaching.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.
The Imitation of Christ 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.By: Thomas a Kempis 1380?-1471The Imitation of Christ is widely considered one of the greatestmanuals of devotion in Christianity. The life of Christ ispresented as the highest study possible to a mortal, as Jesus’teachings far excel all the teachings of the saints. The book givescounsel to read the scriptures, statements about the uses ofadversity, advice for submission to authority, warnings againsttemptation and how to resist it, reflections about death and thejudgment, meditations upon the oblation of Christ, and admonitionsto flee the vanities of the world.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Audio - Above Life's Turmoil 1.0
Malone Enterprise
By: James Allen 1864–1912The turmoil of the world we cannot avoid, but the disturbances ofmind we can overcome. The duties and difficulties of life claim ourattention, but we can rise above all anxiety concerning them.Surrounded by noise, we can yet have a quiet mind; involved inresponsibilities, the heart can be at rest; in the midst of strife,we can know the abiding peace. The twenty pieces which comprisethis book, unrelated as some of them are in the letter, will befound to be harmonious in the spirit, in that they point the readertowards those heights of self-knowledge and self-conquest which,rising above the turbulence of the world, lift their peaks wherethe Heavenly Silence reigns.Audio Book from All Librivox recordings are in thePublic Domain and are available free of charge.I have assembled this Life's Guide in an easy to navigate appfor your listening pleasure free of charge - the ads displayed helpsupport my effort, so please visit the advertisers.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Julius Caesar 1.0
+++ REQUIRED READING +++**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.By: William Shakespeare 1564-1616William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, based ontrue events, concerns the conspiracy against Julius Caesar, hisassassination in 44 BC, and its immediate aftermath. Probablywritten in 1599 and among the first of Shakespeare’s plays to beperformed at the Globe Theater, Julius Caesar is one of hisbest-known dramas and has received innumerable performancesthroughout the centuries.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Children's Classics Vol 2 1.0
Malone Enterprise
This Volume (2) contains the 2 timelessclassics of Treasure Island by R.L. Stevenson and The Swiss FamilyRobinson by Johann David Wyss.A mysterious map, pirates, and pieces of eight! When young JimHawkins finds a map to pirates’ gold he starts on an adventure thattakes him from his English village to a desert island with themurderous Black Dog, half-mad Ben Gunn, and (of course) Long JohnSilver. Arr Jim lad! R.L. Stevenson (1850-1894) was born inScotland and travelled extensively in California and the southPacific.The Swiss Family Robinson has delighted generations of readerswith its exciting tale of a family which, though shipwrecked,displays “the right stuff” and builds a charming colony that later,they do not want to leave. Cut off from the comforts andcompanionship of other humans, they use a familiarity with naturalhistory and biology to find the resources and build the tools toconstruct a canoe, weave cloth, irrigate a garden, and turn animmense hollow tree into a lofty house with a spiral staircase.They domesticate buffaloes, wild asses, and monkeys. They establishfarms and plantations. And finally, they have a terrifyingencounter with natives from a nearby island.Johann David Wyss, the author, did not live to complete histale. Storytellers over the years have injected so many episodesinto the various versions that probably none closely match theoriginal. (Indeed, the Baroness de Montholieu expanded the bookfrom two volumes into five when she translated it into French.)This effort was re-translated into English in 1849 by W.H.G.Kingston, abridging the edition severely. It follows the Britishsensibilities of the period in terms of sentence structure andemphasis.Children's Classics is a set of streaming Audio Books All Librivox recordings are in the Public Domain andare available free of charge. I have assembled them in an easy tonavigate app for your (children's) listening pleasure FREE OFCHARGE. The ads displayed help support my efforts, so please visitthe advertisers!**Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.**
Missing Money 1.0
Malone Enterprise
Legitimate U.S. Government sources forlocating missing property and monies.This app will assist you inthoroughly searching all participating states to find your family'smissing, lost, and unclaimed property, money and assets.Sources have the most updated information for the state andprovincial offices, their websites with contact information andproperty listings. Searches and claiming are always FREE.Information goes securely and directly to the state/provincialunclaimed property office.Benefits:* Data is refreshed and NEW unclaimed properties added WEEKLY fromparticipating states and provinces - so you will want to check backfrequently!* Click on the state map for all states and provinces unclaimedproperty office contact information.* Searches are free of charge.* Visit our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.* Communicate directly to states and provinces from the supportpage.
The Majesty of Calmness 1.0
Malone Enterprise
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP****FREE - SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.By: William George Jordan 1864 – 1928Change your life by changing your thoughts. The Majesty ofCalmness is your guide to attracting prosperity, manifestingopportunities, and managing stress–all while discovering the valuesmost precious to you.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Autobiography of Ben Franklin 1.0
Malone Enterprise
**FREE - SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790Franklin wrote his autobiography in the form of an extendedletter to his son. While recording the events of his life, he addsinstructions for good living which makes this work America’s first“How to Succeed” book.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Mozart, The Man and the Artist 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.By: Friedrich KerstWolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His name is one of the mostrecognizable names in history and one of the most enduring ofcomposers. At age 5, this “wunderkinder” took to the stage andbegan his life as a prolific and celebrated creator-genius of suchluminous works the world has not known since. This collection ofmorsels taken from his personal letters is engaging and gives alook into the mind of the boy wonder. Was he mad? Was hemiraculous?Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
The Innocence of Father Brown 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: G. K. Chesterton 1874-1936The Innocence of Father Brown (1911) is the first of fivecollections of mystery stories by G. K. Chesterton starring anunimposing but surprisingly capable Roman Catholic priest. FatherBrown’s ability to uncover the truth behind the mystery continuallysurpasses that of the “experts” around him, who are fooled intounderestimation by the priest’s unimpressive outward appearanceand, often, by their own prejudices about Christianity. Combiningcaptivating stories and insightful commentary, The Innocence ofFather Brown is a delightful read.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordings arein the Public Domain and are available free of charge. The smallfee I charge is because there are no ads - I am not charging forthe books, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy to navigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data plan isrecommended.Enjoy!
Studies In Pessimism 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: Arthur Schopenhauer 1788-1860Arthur Schopenhauer, an early 19th century philosopher,madesignificant contributions to metaphysics, ethics, andaesthetics.His work also informed theories of evolution andpsychology,largely through his theory of the will to power – aconcept whichNietzsche famously adopted and developed. Despitethis, he istoday, as he was during his life, overshadowed by hiscontemporary,Hegel. Schopenhauer’s social/psychological views, putforth in thiswork and in others, are directly derived from hismetaphysics,which was strongly influenced by Eastern thought. Hispessimismforms an interesting and perhaps questionable contrastwith hisobvious joy in self-expression, both in the elegance of hisproseand in his practice of playing the flute nightly.His brilliance, poetry, and crushing pessimism can beseenimmediately in this work, as for example in this claim fromthefirst chapter: “The pleasure in this world, it has beensaid,outweighs the pain; or, at any rate, there is an evenbalancebetween the two. If the reader wishes to see shortly whetherthisstatement is true, let him compare the respective feelings oftwoanimals, one of which is engaged in eating the other.” We seealso,in this work, his misogyny, as for example in his claim that“aslions are provided with claws and teeth, and elephants andboarswith tusks, . . . so Nature has equipped woman, for herdefence andprotection, with the arts of dissimulation; and all thepower whichNature has conferred upon man in the shape of physicalstrength andreason, has been bestowed upon women in this form.”Given hisopening comment, the translator, T.B. Saunders, seems tohave beenat least somewhat sympathetic to this perspective.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivox recordingsarein the Public Domain and are available free of charge. Thesmallfee Icharge is because there are no ads - I am not charging forthebooks, but please consider it a "convenience fee". I haveassembledtheseLiterature Classics in an easy to navigate app for yourlisteningpleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!
Adventures of Buster Bear 1.0
Malone Enterprise
***CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TONAVIGATEAPP***By: Thornton W. Burgess (1874-1965)Known to generations of children and their parents as theBedtimeStory Man, Thornton Waldo Burgess wrote nearly two hundredmuchloved children's books. They were tales that recounted thedoings ofdelightful characters who inhabited the Green Meadow andthe GreenForest.Burgess, who was also an ardent conservationist besides beingawriter and journalist shared his love of Nature and respect forallbeings who share this earth with us. The Adventures of BusterBearis a fun children's book that helps children understandthatanimals and the forest deserve respect and it is also asincerecall for responsible conservationism.For more than half a century Thornton Burgess continuedtodelight and inform people about the world around us throughhisfamous newspaper column that was syndicated in many papers alloverthe country. His books were translated into many languagesandenjoyed by people in many countries. Over five years, from1925-30,he broadcast a popular Nature program on radio, RadioNatureLeague, another hugely entertaining and educational series.He wasalso a passionate advocate of the abolition of cruelty toanimalsand campaigned relentlessly for the banning of suchpractices assetting up of steel traps.He first began writing stories for his baby son when hiswifedied within a year of the child's birth. Later, the popularityofhis stories made him take up writing children's stories onaregular basis and he returned frequently to his childhood homeinSandwich. It was here that he really felt at home. Followinghisdeath, the Massachusetts Audubon League bought his home inHampdenand established the Laughing Brook Wildlife Sanctuaryhere.The Adventures of Buster Bear was first published in 1916.Thishas charming illustrations by C.S. Corson which add to thebook'sappeal. Each chapter is a stand alone story and contains ahost ofcharacters found in other Thornton Burgess books and somenew onestoo.Farmer Brown and his Boy are the real villains in the storiesasfar as conservationist ideas go. Other characters includeLittleJoe Otter, Sammy Jay, Blacky the Crow and the sage of GreenForest,Grandfather Frog. The Adventures of Buster Bear is indeedanentertaining and informative glimpse of the fast vanishingspacesleft on our planet for animals to live in peace andharmony.Audio Book from All Librivox recordings are inthePublic Domain and are available free of charge. I haveassembledthis Literature Classic in an easy to navigate app foryourlistening and reading pleasure free of charge - the adsdisplayedhelp support my effort, so please visit theadvertisers.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!
Stream Machine 1.0
Malone Enterprise
Great lite app that has multitudes ofmusicgenres streaming right to your device - Country, ClassicRock,R&B, Soft Rock, Jazz/Easy Listening, Spanish andAdultComedy**! Stream Machine also has RSS Feeds that bringinterestingfacts about music history to you daily.No endless searches to perform - just pick a genre andStreamMachine brings it to you! There is something to please almostanypalate at any time with more coming soon!**THIS PROGRAMMING IS NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN
OMOS Catholic School 1.0
All the useful tools, information, andwebsitepages from Our Mother Of Sorrows Catholic School in Tucson,AZ.located in an easy to navigate App!
Fanny Hill: Memoirs 1.0
Malone Enterprise
Fanny Hill: Memoirs of A Woman of PleasureBy: John Cleland 1709-1789Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1749) was thefirstwidely-read English novel in the genre “Erotica.” It waswritten byJohn Cleland as he was serving hard time at a debtor’sprison inLondon. Over the centuries, the novel has been repeatedlybanned byauthorities, assuring its preeminent role in the historyof theongoing struggle against censorship of free expression.Until Fanny Hill, previous heroines had conducted theiramorousliaisons “off-stage.” Any erotic misadventures weredescribedeuphemistically. As women who had gone astray, theyalwaysrepented, which made even their most outrageous dalliancessomehowsuitable for a moralistic readership. The protagonist ofFannyHill, however, never repented a single moment of hersexualexploits … quite the contrary! And with Fanny, the devil isin thedetails, realistically described.Audio Book from All Librivox recordings are inthePublic Domain and are available free of charge. I haveassembledthis Literature Classic in an easy to navigate app foryourlistening and reading pleasure free of charge - the adsdisplayedhelp support my effort, so please visit theadvertisers.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!
Audio | Text The Art Of War 1.0
Malone Enterprise
**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TONAVIGATEAPP**The Art of WarBy: Sun Tzu (c. 554 BC - c. 496 BC)The Art of War is a 6th Century BC Chinese treatise on warandmilitary strategy known for its timeless examples of strategyandplanning. There is intense interest in this ancient work sinceitteaches how to be victorious in conflict and that the finalvictoryultimately is to see war as an effort to win minds andheartsrather than a mere acquisition of territory and wealth.The Art of War by Sun Tzu is a two thousand year oldwork,reputedly authored by a famous military general and strategistwholived in ancient China. Apart from this, he is also reveredandrespected in many South Asian countries as a learnedphilosopher.The book is divided into thirteen chapters and there ishistoricalevidence to prove that it was written over a period oftime andperhaps with many borrowings and collaborations with othersimilarworks of the period. However, it was also heavily criticizedbygenerations of scholars and thinkers in later centuries asitadvocated deception and spying as accepted strategies in war.Manyscholars have also doubted whether a figure such as Sun Tzuexistedat all and have found several inaccuracies in terms ofthetimeframe in which the book was supposed to have been written.Manyfeel that the original work may have undergone severalrevisionsover the centuries before being consolidated in itspresent form.Whatever the nature of these opinions The Art of Warremains afascinating, valuable and extremely interesting work.Each chapter explores a different aspect of war. Beginningwithelaborate plans that should be put in place before thecommencementof war, the book goes on to describe differentsituations in whichwars are fought, the kind of strategies employedin various typesof terrain, understanding the nature of the enemyand finallypositioning, timing and methods of attack.For present day corporate warriors, The Art of War isaninvaluable text. Business management, sports and politics aresomeof the fields where it has found immense application.Conflictresolution theory has been immeasurably enhanced with theadditionof Sun Tzu's millennia-old tried and tested methods. Italsoprovides valuable assistance in the grooming ofleaders,understanding and appreciating the opponent and leveragingone'sown advantages.The Art of War provides compelling reading for anyone whoisinterested in the dynamics of negotiation, competition,mediation,planning and arbitration.
Importance Of Being Earnest 1.0
**FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHAREWITHFRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: Oscar Wilde 1854-1900The Importance of Being Earnest is a classic comedy of mannersinwhich two flippant young men, in order to impress theirrespectedbeloveds, pretend that their names are "Ernest," whichboth youngladies believe confers magical qualities on thepossessor. It wasfirst performed for the public on February 14,1895 at the St.James’ Theatre in London, and is regarded by manycritics andscholars as being the wittiest play in the Englishlanguage.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivoxrecordingsare in the Public Domain and areavailable free of charge. The small fee I charge is becausethereare no ads - I am not charging for the books, but pleaseconsiderit a "convenience fee". I have assembled these LiteratureClassicsin an easy to navigate app for your listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!
Children's Classics Vol 1 1.1
Malone Enterprise
Children's Classics is a set of streamingAudioBooks from I have assembled them in an easytonavigate app for your (children's) listening pleasure freeofcharge. The ads displayed help support my effort, so pleasevisitthe advertisers.This Volume (1) contains the 2 timeless classics ofTheAdventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of HuckleberryFinnwritten by Mark Twain.Enjoy!
The Raven - Multilingual 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.By: Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849The Raven, by Edgar Alan Poe, is one of the most famouspoemsever written. First published in 1845, it was soonreprinted,illustrated, emulated, becoming one of the icons ofAmericanliterature and giving its author immediate and lastingfame. Itspopularity is represented in this collection, that bringstogetherthe original poem and a series of translations byvarioustranslators, who tried to bring the musicality, themeandatmosphere of “The Raven” to their native languages:English - 3 DialectsDutch - 2 DialectsFinnishFrench - 4 DialectsGerman - 3 DialectsItalianLatinPortuguese - 2 DialectsRussianSpanishSwedishYiddish - 2 DialectsStreaming Audio Book from All Librivoxrecordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free ofcharge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I amnot chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "conveniencefee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy tonavigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!
Audio | Text Frankenstein 1.0
Malone Enterprise
+++ REQUIRED READING +++**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.By: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 1797-1851A student discovers the secret of animating lifeless matterand,by assembling body parts, creates the monsterFrankenstein.Rejected by society, Frankenstein vows revenge on hiscreator.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivoxrecordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free ofcharge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I amnot chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "conveniencefee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy tonavigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!
King Lear 1.0
Malone Enterprise
***CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TONAVIGATEAPP***By: William Shakespeare 1564-1616King Lear is widely held as the greatest of Shakespeare’stragedies;to some, it is the greatest play ever written. King Learabdicatesthe British throne, to divide his kingdom among his threedaughtersin proportion to their professed love of him. His planmisfires whenCordelia, his youngest and favourite daughter,refuses to flatterher father; she is disinherited andbanished.Audio Book from All Librivox recordings are inthePublic Domain and are available free of charge. I haveassembledthis Literature Classic in an easy to navigate app foryourlistening and reading pleasure free of charge - the adsdisplayedhelp support my effort, so please visit theadvertisers.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!
Old Indian Legends 1.0
Malone Enterprise
***THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND FULLTEXTFILE!***By: Zitkala-Sa 1876-1938Fourteen Old Indian Legends by Native American ( Dakota )AuthorZitkala-Sa. These Legends feature the exploits of Iktomi theNativeAmerican Trickster god.Audio Book from All Librivox recordings are inthePublic Domain and are available free of charge. I haveassembledthis Literature Classic in an easy to navigate app foryourlistening pleasure free of charge - the ads displayed helpsupportmy effort, so please visit the advertisers.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!
American Indian Fairy Tales 1.0
Malone Enterprise
By: H. R. Schoolcraft 1793-1864With no written language, Native Americans living in theLakeSuperior region passed their cultural identity down throughthegenerations by way of stories. Far more than mere tales toamusechildren, they passed along the collective wisdom of thetribes. Inthe 1830s, government Indian Agent and ethnologist HenryRSchoolcraft learned the language of these people and went outtocollect and preserve their stories before the tribesdisappearedunder the westward rush of American civilization. Thoughthesestories were recast as children’s fairy tales in the 1920s,theycontain much of the old wisdom of a culture which haslargelydisappeared.Streaming Audio Book from All Librivoxrecordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free ofcharge. I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy tonavigate app foryour (children's) listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.
Audio Book - The Raven 1.0
Malone Enterprise
Audio Book from AllLibrivoxrecordings are in the Public Domain and are available freeofcharge. I have assembled this Literature Classic in an easytonavigate app for your (children's) listening pleasure freeofcharge - the ads displayed help support my effort, so pleasevisitthe advertisers.Perhaps Edgar Allen Poe’s most famous poem, the “Raven” isamacabre exploration of a man, his memories of Lenore, and theblackbird that interrupts his studies on a dark December night,withtap-tap-tapping at his chamber door.
Consolation of Philosophy 1.0
**THIS APP INCLUDES AUDIO AND THE FULL TEXT!****FREE TO SHARE - BUY, SHARE WITH FRIENDS!**Need help? Use the Contact Developer option.**CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASY TO NAVIGATE APP**By: Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius 480-524/525Consolation of Philosophy (Latin: Consolatio Philosophiae) isaphilosophical work by Boethius written in about the year 524 AD.Ithas been described as the single most important andinfluentialwork in the West in medieval and early RenaissanceChristianity,and is also the last great work that can be calledClassical.Consolation of Philosophy was written during Boethius’ oneyearimprisonment while awaiting trial, and eventual horrificexecution,for the crime of treason by Ostrogothic King Theodoricthe Great.Boethius was at the very heights of power in Rome and wasbroughtdown by treachery. It was from this experience he wasinspired towrite a philosophical book from prison reflecting on howa lord’sfavor could change so quickly and why friends would turnagainsthim. It has been described as ‘by far the most interestingexampleof prison literature the world has ever seen.’The Consolation of Philosophy stands, by its note of fatalismandits affinities with the Christian doctrine of humility,midwaybetween the heathen philosophy of Seneca the Younger and thelaterChristian philosophy of consolation represented by ThomasAquinas.– The book is heavily influenced by Plato and his dialogues(as wasBoethius himself).Streaming Audio Book from All Librivoxrecordingsare in the Public Domain and are available free ofcharge. Thesmall fee I charge is because there are no ads - I amnot chargingfor the books, but please consider it a "conveniencefee". I haveassembled these Literature Classics in an easy tonavigate app foryour listening pleasure.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!
Audio|Text The Secret Garden 1.0
Malone Enterprise
By: Frances Hodgson BurnettOne of the most delightful and enduring classics ofchildren'sliterature, The Secret Garden by Victorian author FrancesHodgsonBurnett has remained a firm favorite with children the worldoverever since it made its first appearance. Initially published asaserial story in 1910 in The American Magazine, it was broughtoutin novel form in 1911.The plot centers round Mary Lennox, a young English girlwhoreturns to England from India, having suffered the immensetraumaby losing both her parents in a cholera epidemic. However,hermemories of her parents are not pleasant, as they were aselfish,neglectful and pleasure-seeking couple. Mary is given tothe careof her uncle Archibald Craven, whom she has never met. Shetravelsto his home, Misselthwaite Manor located in the gloomyYorkshire, avast change from the sunny and warm climate she wasused to. Whenshe arrives, she is a rude, stubborn and given tostormy tempertantrums. However, her nature undergoes a gradualtransformationwhen she learns of the tragedies that have befallenher strict anddisciplinarian uncle whom she earlier feared anddespised. Oncewhen he's away from home, Mary discovers a charmingwalled gardenwhich is always kept locked. The mystery deepens whenshe hearssounds of sobbing from somewhere within her uncle's vastmansion.The kindly servants ignore her queries or pretend theyhaven'theard, spiking Mary's curiosity.The Secret Garden appeals to both young and old alike. Ithaswonderful elements of mystery, spirituality, charmingcharactersand an authentic rendering of childhood emotions andexperiences.Commonsense, truth and kindness, compassion and abelief in theessential goodness of human beings lie at the heart ofthisunforgettable story. It is the best known of FrancesHodgsonBurnett's works, though most of us have definitely heard of,if notread, her other novel Little Lord Fauntleroy.The book has been adapted extensively on stage, filmandtelevision and translated into all the world's major languages.In1991, a Japanese anime version was launched for televisioninJapan. It remains a popular and beloved story of a child'sjourneyinto maturity, and a must-read for every child, parent,teacher andanyone who would enjoy this fascinating glimpse ofchildhood.
Audio | Text Uncle Tom's Cabin 1.0
Malone Enterprise
**THIS APP ALSO INCLUDE THE FULL TEXT!**By: Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811-1896Among the most “banned” books in the United States, UncleTom’sCabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by AmericanauthorHarriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a centraltheme.Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford FemaleAcademyand an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to havehad aprofound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, whenhemet Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said tohavecommented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started theCivilWar.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses onthetale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, thecentralcharacter around whose life the other characters—both fellowslavesand slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh realityofslavery while also showing that Christian love and faithcanovercome even something as evil as enslavement of fellowhumanbeings. (Summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)Audio Book from All Librivox recordings are inthePublic Domain and are available free of charge. I haveassembledthis Literature Classic in an easy to navigate app foryourlistening pleasure free of charge - the ads displayed helpsupportmy effort, so please visit the advertisers.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited data planisrecommended.Enjoy!